
Bathrooms are the major wet area in the house and it is important that the bathroom is correctly waterproofed in order to reduce the risk of structural damage occurring as a result of dampness, water leaks, or condensation.

Requirements for Waterproofing Bathrooms

The Building Code of Australia and the Australia Standard (AS 3740-1994) outline the minimum requirements for the waterproofing in residential bathrooms.  These requirements include:

  • waterproofing the full floor within the shower recess
  • at least 100mm over the hob or step down onto the bathroom floor should be waterproofed
  • at least 150mm up the walls inside the shower walls needs to be waterproofed
  • the vertical angle between any two walls in the shower needs to be waterproofed up to at least 1800mm high
  • the entire bathroom floor needs to be waterproofed if it is made from timber, plywood or particleboard, or if it is above the ground floor of the house

However, to provide the best insurance against water damage, it is a good idea to go beyond these minimum requirements and ensure that all of the walls within the shower recess are waterproofed as well as the entire bathroom floor.





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Planter Boxes & Retaining Walls

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Water Tanks & Swimming Pools

We use a cement-based mortar with special additives and controlled aggregates. Once cured, it becomes a suitable waterproofing coating for use on concrete, brick, concrete block, masonry substrates. 


  • Waterproofing and coating of drinking water tanks.
  • Waterproofing of swimming pools.
  • Waterproofing of tunnels, galleries, basements and elevator pits subjected to high water pressure.
  • Waterproofing and protection of concrete in water treatment plants, setting tanks, etc.
  • Coating for waterproofing of dams and retaining walls.
  • Waterproof coating for façades and wall faces, concrete blocks and prefabricated panels.
  • Restoration and waterproofing of channels.
  • Waterproofing and decorative finish for silos and cooling towers in thermal power plants.


  • Excellent waterproofing properties. Withstands both positive and negative hydrostatic pressures.
  • Allows application on wet substrates.
  • The coating allows the substrate to breath and thereby it does not form a water vapour barrier.
  • Final layer of membrane can work as a decorative finish, saving further enhancing paint costs.
  • Easy to use and no maintenance required.
  • Resistant to aggressive environment such as seacoasts and zones with atmospheric pollution.
  • It resists weathering and freeze/thaw cycles, longer lasting than paints and other coatings.
  • Very good adherence to substrate. It fills and seals all porous of the surface and also becomes part of the structure of the surface.
  • Suitable for use in contact with drinking water.
  • Once our membrane is cured, it can be covered with protective or fixing mortars.
  • Environmentally friendly.
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